Thursday, 29 June 2017

Trainings Und Entwicklungs Retention Strategie

VEREINIGTES KÖNIGREICH. Fünf Top-Mitarbeiter-Retention-Strategien Eine der größten Herausforderungen für die Arbeitgeber heute ist zu finden und halten gute Mitarbeiter. Dieser Artikel beschreibt einige effektive Mitarbeiter-Retention-Strategien, die Ihnen helfen, gute Mitarbeiter zu behalten und eine stabile Belegschaft zu entwickeln. Der erste Schritt ist zu verstehen, warum Mitarbeiter verlassen. Die zweite ist, um Mitarbeiter-Retention-Strategien zu implementieren, um sie zu bleiben. Fünf Hauptgründe, warum die Mitarbeiter verlassen, es fühlt sich hier nicht gut an. Dies kann eine beliebige Anzahl von Fragen beinhalten, die mit der Unternehmenskultur und dem physischen Arbeitsumfeld zu tun haben. Sie würden mich nicht vermissen, wenn ich weg wäre. Viele Menschen fühlen sich persönlich geschätzt. Wenn die Leute sich nicht verlobt oder geschätzt fühlen, kann das ganze Geld in der Welt sie halten. Ich bekomme die Unterstützung, die ich brauche, um meine Arbeit zu erledigen. Die Leute wollen einen guten Job machen, den sie übertreffen wollen. Gleichzeitig fühlen sich die meisten so, als ob ihr Chef sie einen guten Job machen würde. Wenn Frustrationen die Grenze des Mitarbeiters überschreiten, gehen sie ab. Mangel an Gelegenheit für Fortschritt. Fortschritt bedeutet nicht unbedingt Förderung. Häufiger bedeutet es persönliches und berufliches Wachstum. Die Leute wollen morgen besser sein als heute. Das persönliche Wachstum ist ein besonders starker Fahrer in der heutigen Belegschaft, vor allem bei der jüngeren Generation. Menschen, die aus dem College kommen, identifizieren oft die Ausbildung als das primäre Kriterium für die Wahl ihrer ersten Firma. Unternehmen, die ihre Ausbildungsabteilungen ausgenommen haben, haben eine Menge Nachholbedarf, um gute Leute zu gewinnen. Unzureichende Mitarbeiterentschädigung Die Leute wollen eine gerechte Entschädigung, aber im Gegensatz zu den meisten Managern39 Glauben Geld kommt selten zuerst bei der Entscheidung, ob zu bleiben oder zu gehen. Ein gewisser Prozentsatz der Menschen wird immer mehr Einkommen verjagen, aber die Mehrheit der Arbeiter betrachten nicht-monetäre Gründe zuerst. Viele Führungskräfte klammern sich immer noch an die veraltete Vorstellung, dass die Menschen für das Gold gehen, dass das Gehalt alle ihre Beschäftigungsentscheidungen diktiert. Aber zum größten Teil wollen die Menschen Chancen zu wachsen und zu lernen, in ihre Karriere voranzutreiben und an anspruchsvollen und interessanten Projekten zu arbeiten. Sie wollen für ihre Bemühungen anerkannt und geschätzt werden. Sie wollen einen Teil von etwas fühlen, das Wert für ihre Gemeinschaft schafft. Fünf Strategien für die Mitarbeiterbindung 1. Arbeitsumfeld Die primären Mitarbeiterbehebungsstrategien haben mit der Schaffung und Pflege eines Arbeitsplatzes zu tun, der gute Menschen anzieht, behält und nährt. Hierbei handelt es sich um eine Vielzahl von Themen, die von der Entwicklung einer Unternehmensmission, eines Kultur - und Wertsystems bis hin zu einer sicheren Arbeitsumgebung und der Schaffung klarer, logischer und konsequenter operativer Richtlinien und Verfahren reichen. Umweltzufriedenheitsstrategien behandeln drei grundlegende Aspekte des Arbeitsplatzes: die Ethik und die Wertgrundlage, auf der die Organisation die Politik, die diese Werte interpretiert und diese in alltägliche Handlungen umsetzt, und die physische Umgebung, in der die Menschen arbeiten, beruht. Das übergeordnete Ziel ist es, Ihr Unternehmen zu einem Ort zu machen, an dem die Menschen zur Arbeit kommen wollen. Eine Stichprobe von Umwelt-Mitarbeiter-Retention-Strategien umfasst die folgenden: Klären Sie Ihre Mission. Erstellen Sie eine Werte-Anweisung. Kommunizieren Sie positive Gefühle. Bleiben Sie konzentriert auf den Kunden. Sei fair und ehrlich. Kultivieren Sie ein Familiengefühl. Förderung der Integrität. Deinstallieren Sie keine Unterparameter. Bestehen auf Arbeitssicherheit. Reduzieren Sie die Anzahl der Sitzungen. Mache Arbeit Spaß. Diese Mitarbeiter-Retention-Strategien beziehen sich alle auf die eine oder andere auf die Unternehmenskultur. Allerdings neigt ein Umweltproblem dazu, über den Rest hinauszugehen. Mehr denn je wollen die Mitarbeiter eine Kultur der Offenheit und der gemeinsamen Information. Sie wollen wissen, wo das Unternehmen geht und wie es in Zukunft aussehen wird. Wie gelingt das Unternehmen finanziell Wo steht es auf dem Markt Vor allem die Mitarbeiter bestehen darauf, zu wissen, wie ihre spezifischen Jobs in das große Schema der Dinge passen und was sie tun können, um der Organisation zu helfen, wo sie hin will. Wenn Sie in einer offenen Umgebung arbeiten, in der Führungskräfte Informationen teilen, können Sie ermäßigte Umsatzraten erwarten. Um Ihre Kultur zu beurteilen, stellen Sie Fragen wie: Haben unsere Mitarbeiter wissen, wie das Unternehmen in Schlüsselbereichen wie Vertrieb, Finanzen, Strategie und Marketing tätig ist, fördern wir das Open-Book-Management (oder etwas, das sich ihm nähert) oder tun Wir halten Informationen ein genau gehütetes Geheimnis unter dem Top-Management-Team. Mitarbeiter verstehen unsere Vision, Mission und Werte Haben wir eine Werteerklärung, die eine Kultur der Offenheit klärt und unterstützt, geben wir regelmäßig Performance-Feedback oder nur zu Jahreszeit Ermutigen wir Einzelpersonen und Abteilungen, Informationen miteinander zu teilen. Nehmen Sie den Puls Ihrer Leute regelmäßig. Von Zeit zu Zeit, bringen Sie eine externe Dritte, um eine objektivere Ansicht, wie Ihre Leute wirklich fühlen. Finden Sie heraus, ob sie die Vision, die Mission und die Werte wirklich kennen. Zur gleichen Zeit, geben den Mitarbeitern viele Informationen darüber, wie das Unternehmen führt und wo es geht. Wenn die Leute in Ihre klar festgelegten Unternehmenswerte einkaufen und die Informationen haben, die sie benötigen, um die Arbeit zu erledigen, neigen sie dazu, sich zu halten. 2. Mitarbeiterbeziehungsstrategien Mitarbeiterbeziehungsstrategien haben damit zu tun, wie Sie Ihre Leute behandeln und wie sie sich gegenseitig behandeln. Die Entwicklung effektiver Mitarbeiterbeziehungsstrategien beginnt mit drei grundlegenden Schritten: Geben Sie Ihren Managern und Vorgesetzten viel Beziehungsschulung. Erkenne, dass (in allen aber die kleinsten Unternehmen) die Leute für ihren Vorgesetzten arbeiten, nicht Sie. Ihre Bezahlung Scheck kann sagen, XYZ Unternehmen, aber ihre primäre Arbeitsbeziehung ist mit ihrem Vorgesetzten. Wenn Ihre Vorgesetzten das Wissen, die Ausbildung und die Empfindlichkeit haben, um effektiv mit Menschen auf einer individuellen Ebene zu arbeiten, werden Sie wahrscheinlich die Bindung erhalten, die Sie benötigen, um Mitarbeiter zu behalten. Fragen Sie, warum sie für Sie arbeiten. Wenn du tust, passiert zwei Dinge. Einer, Mitarbeiter verstärken sich selbst, warum sie für Sie arbeiten. Zwei, Sie erhalten ein besseres Verständnis dessen, was Menschen zu Ihrem Unternehmen anzieht. Sie können dann diese Informationen verwenden, um neue Mitarbeiter zu rekrutieren und sagen: Hierher kommen die Leute für uns. Wenn du diese Dinge schätzst, dann solltest du auch für uns arbeiten. Sobald Sie die Informationen darüber haben, warum die Leute für Sie arbeiten, fragen Sie: Was können wir tun, um die Dinge noch besser um hier zu machen. Fühlen Sie es in einer positiven Weise, damit es nicht zu einer gripe Sitzung wird, dann hören Sie genau zu, was Ihre Mitarbeiter sagen. Aus diesen Gesprächen kommen viele gute Ideen, nicht nur für die Verbesserung der Bedingungen für Ihre Mitarbeiter, sondern für alle Facetten Ihres Unternehmens. Einige Top-Mitarbeiter-Relationship-Strategien: Verwenden Sie Verhaltensstudien-Assessment-Tools wie Myers-Briggs oder DISC, um den Menschen zu helfen, sich selbst besser zu verstehen und effektiver zu kommunizieren. Helfen Sie den Mitarbeitern, Lebensziele zu setzen und sich darauf zu konzentrieren, wo sie hin wollen. Dann helfen sie zu sehen, wie ihre Ziele mit Unternehmenszielen übereinstimmen und dass sie ihre Ziele erreichen können, indem sie bei der Firma bleiben. Wenn die Leute glauben, dass sie ihre Ziele und Ziele erreichen können, indem sie in Ihrer Organisation arbeiten, werden sie zweimal überlegen, bevor sie irgendwo anders arbeiten. Wann immer möglich, die Familie beteiligt: ​​Schreiben Sie einen Brief der Empfehlung und senden Sie eine Kopie an die Familie. Schreiben Sie einen Brief an die Familie, der ihnen für die Unterstützung Ihres Mitarbeiters danken wird. Haben Sie ein offenes Haus. Laden Sie die Familien für eine Tour ein, um zu sehen, was der Ehegatte tut. Halten Sie soziale Aktivitäten wie Familienpicknicks, Urlaubspartner, besondere Veranstaltungen. Feiern Sie Geburtstage. Nehmen Sie die Leute zum Abendessen, um eine Leistung zu feiern. Halten Sie öffentliche Feiern, wenn das Unternehmen große Meilensteine ​​trifft. Andere Mitarbeiterbeziehungsstrategien, die die Aufmerksamkeit der Mitarbeiter beeinflussen: Machen Mentoring Beziehungen mit Menschen, um ihre emotionalen Bindungen an die Organisation zu erhöhen. Sei fest und fair. Vermeiden Sie zweiter erratende Mitarbeiter. Feiern Sie Langlebigkeit. Ermutigen Sie Humor am Arbeitsplatz. Konzentrieren Sie sich auf das individuelle Selbstwertgefühl. Halten Sie sich für Ihre Leute. Anerkennung strategisch und bewusst annehmen. Letztlich helfen Mitarbeiterbeziehungsstrategien, ein Familiengefühl aufzubauen. In Familien haben Menschen Konflikte und Meinungsverschiedenheiten, aber sie lernen, wie man sie ausarbeitet. Sie halten sich durch gute Zeiten und böse zusammen und unterstützen sich gegenseitig. Familien haben alles für eins und eins für alle Mentalität. Es ist viel schwieriger, eine Familie zu verlassen, als irgendwo zu gehen, wo du gerade zur Arbeit gehst. 3. Mitarbeiter-Support-Strategien Mitarbeiter-Support-Strategien beinhalten Menschen die Werkzeuge und Ausrüstung, um die Arbeit zu erledigen. Wenn die Leute fühlen, dass sie das haben, was sie ausführen müssen, steigt die Arbeitszufriedenheit dramatisch. Alle Mitarbeiter-Unterstützungsstrategien stammen aus drei Grundprinzipien: Die Menschen wollen übertreffen. Die Menschen brauchen angemessene Ressourcen, um die Arbeit zu erledigen. Menschen brauchen moralische und geistige Unterstützung von Ihnen und Ihren Managern. Mitarbeiter-Support-Strategien beginnen mit Ihren und Ihren Managern39 Einstellungen. Siehst du die Angestellten nur als Zahnräder im Rad oder als wertvolle Ressourcen, die das Unternehmen gehen lassen Sie erwarten hohe Leistung oder Mittelmäßigkeit von ihnen Glauben, dass die Leute wollen, um zu übertreffen (sie tun), anstatt auf mindestens Ebenen führen wird Sie zu behandeln Sie in einer viel positiveren Weise. Information ist ein weiterer Schwerpunkt der Mitarbeiter-Support-Strategien. Je mehr Informationen du den Leuten gibst, was sie tun, worum es bei der Firma geht und warum du Dinge machst, wie du es tust, desto wertvoller wird es. Hilf den Menschen, alle Nuancen ihrer Arbeit zu verstehen. Warum ist das, was sie für das Unternehmen wichtig sind Was sind die Erwartungen des Kunden Lassen Sie die Leute wissen, was los ist. Geben Sie ihnen Verkaufszahlen und einige der Finanzen. Sie müssen keine Gehälter und andere sensible Informationen offenlegen, sondern sie sehen Leistungsmessungen, zumal sie ihre Arbeit beeinflussen. Andere Mitarbeiter-Support-Strategien gehören: Geben Sie Menschen produktive Arbeit zu tun. Herausforderungen stellen Hindernisse und Barrieren entfernen, um den Job zu erledigen. Anpassungen anpassen, um Stärken, Fähigkeiten und Talente anzupassen. Halten Sie die Versprechen, die Sie machen. Schaffung effektiver Kommunikationssysteme. Eindeutig definieren die Aufgaben und Verantwortlichkeiten. Ermutigen Sie die Menschen, Initiative zu ergreifen. Ermutigen, erkennen und belohnen Kreativität und Innovation. Mikro-Management vermeiden. Reduzieren Sie die Berichtsanforderungen. Wenn möglich, bieten Sie Flexibilität bei der Arbeit. 4. Wachstumsstrategien des Mitarbeiters Mitarbeiter Wachstumsstrategien beschäftigen sich mit persönlichem und professionellem Wachstum. Gute Mitarbeiter wollen neue Kenntnisse und Fähigkeiten entwickeln, um ihren Wert auf dem Markt zu verbessern und ihr eigenes Selbstwertgefühl zu stärken. Allerdings werdest du einfach nur eine Ausbildung und Ausbildung an deinem Volk in einer zufälligen Weise zu werfen. Stattdessen organisieren und strukturieren Sie Ihre Ausbildung so, dass es Sinn macht für das Unternehmen und die Personen, die für Sie arbeiten. Nehmen Sie sich Zeit, um Ihre Mitarbeiter39 verschiedene Bedürfnisse zu erkunden und den besten Weg, um diese Bedürfnisse zu erfüllen. Es gibt viele Möglichkeiten, um Ihren Leuten mit persönlichem Wachstum zu helfen, die nicht nur einen Unterschied in ihrem Leben machen, sondern sie besser an die Organisation binden. Ausbildung und Ausbildung können beinhalten: Inhouse-Curriculum für Kompetenztraining und - entwicklung außerhalb von Seminaren und Workshops für das College und Weiterbildung CDDVD, Podcast und Online-Lernen Cross-Training mit Mitarbeitern präsentieren Workshops in ihren Fachgebieten bringen externe Experten, um Mitarbeiter zu erziehen Über Themen, die ihr persönliches Leben beeinflussen. Die letzte Aufzählung oben bietet eine echte Chance für die Arbeitgeber, sich selbst zu differenzieren und einen großen Einfluss auf die Mitarbeiterbindung zu haben. Zum Beispiel haben die meisten Menschen ein Auto. Doch wie viele wirklich wissen, wie man Kfz-Versicherung kaufen Einrichten ein braun-Beutel Mittagessen, das lehrt die Ins und Outs der Kfz-Versicherung und wie man den besten Kauf zu bekommen. Wenn Sie diese Art von Lernmöglichkeiten anbieten, stellt es Sie von anderen Arbeitgebern ab und zeigt, dass Sie sich wirklich um Ihre Mitarbeiter kümmern. Es ist eine Sache, die eine Ausbildung anbietet, die ihnen hilft, einen besseren Job zu machen, weil Ihr Unternehmen davon profitiert. Es ist ein anderes Ding, um eine Ausbildung zu schaffen, wie die Mitarbeiter ihr Leben verbessern können. Sie erwarten das nicht. Es zeigt, dass Sie sich um sie als Menschen kümmern, nicht nur als Arbeiter, die Geld für Sie verdienen können. Weitere empfohlene Mitarbeiter-Support-Strategien sind: Lernkultur etablieren. Erstellen individueller Lernpläne Ermutigen Sie die Menschen, sich Fach - und Fachverbänden anzuschließen. Investieren Sie in die Karriereplanung. Betreiben Sie ein Corporate Mentoring-Programm. Anreize für das Lernen geben Nutzen Sie das Internet Lernen. 5. Personalausgleichsstrategien Effektive Mitarbeiterentschädigungsstrategien ergeben sich aus einem Grundprinzip: Geld allein wird die meisten Mitarbeiter nicht behalten. In den alten Tagen bezahlten die Unternehmen im Wesentlichen die Menschen für ihre Zeit. Heute bezahlen immer mehr Unternehmen in jeder Position Leistung, nicht nur Umsatz. Um Mitarbeiter zu behalten, muss Ihr Vergütungsplan diesen Trend einbeziehen. Pay-for-Performance-Pläne kommen in einer Vielzahl von Formen und Größen, aber sie alle beinhalten zwei grundlegende Aktivitäten: Definition der Arbeit und Überprüfung der Leistung gegen Erwartungen. Wenn die Menschen die Erwartungen übertreffen, geben Sie ihnen einen Bonus. Es hilft, den Plan vor der Zeit zu legen, damit die Mitarbeiter Ihre Erwartungen verstehen und wissen, was sie tun müssen, um den Bonus zu bekommen. Aber stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie es auf vordefinierte Profit-Ziele, so dass Sie don39t auszahlen, wenn das Unternehmen doesn39t Geld verdienen. Wenn Sie nicht irgendeine Art von Anreiz oder Pay-for-Performance-Plan anbieten, setzen Sie Ihr Unternehmen in einen schrecklichen Nachteil. Smart-Arbeitgeber verwenden eine Vielzahl von harten (monetären) und weichen (nicht-monetären) Mitarbeiter Entschädigung Strategien, um es schwierig für andere Unternehmen, ihre Menschen weg zu stehlen. Dazu gehören: Besprechung der gesamten Entschädigung der Arbeitnehmer (Gehalt, Leistungen, Boni, Ausbildung usw.). Design-Belohnungssysteme zur Förderung der Mitarbeiterbeteiligung. Nutzen Sie flexible Mitarbeiterleistungen, um auf eine wechselnde Belegschaft zu reagieren. Angebot Aktienoptionen. Angebot Zeit, Sabbaticals und andere Formen der nichtfinanziellen Mitarbeiter Entschädigung. Kinderbetreuung und Seniorenpflege zur Verfügung stellen. Bereitstellung von Hilfsprogrammen für Mitarbeiter Vereinbaren Sie Rabatte bei Einkäufen. Vereinbaren Sie für professionelle Dienstleistungen. Fund Fitness Club Mitgliedschaften. Denken Sie daran, dass Mitarbeiter Entschädigung nur ein Stück des Puzzles darstellt. Wenn alle anderen Stücke die Umwelt-, Beziehungs-, Unterstützungs - und Wachstumsstrategien nicht in ein zusammenhängendes Ganzes zusammenpassen, können Sie die Leute genug bezahlen, um für Sie zu arbeiten. Im heutigen Markt haben die Mitarbeiter die Kontrolle. Sie sagen: Sie haben Glück, dass ich für Sie arbeiten muss. Wenn Sie es nicht glauben und behandeln sie entsprechend, werden sie schnell einen anderen Arbeitgeber finden, der wird. Das ist, warum Sie alle fünf dieser Mitarbeiter-Retention-Strategien haben müssen. Der Inhalt dieses Artikels soll einen allgemeinen Leitfaden für den Gegenstand liefern. Fachberatung sollte über Ihre spezifischen Umstände gesucht werden. Um diesen Artikel zu drucken, müssen Sie nur auf Mondaq registriert sein. Klicken Sie auf Login als vorhandener Benutzer oder registrieren Sie sich, damit Sie diesen Artikel drucken können. Training Mitarbeiter für Motivation und Retention Aktualisiert 25. August 2016 Ein Schlüsselfaktor für Mitarbeiter Motivation und Retention ist die Chance Mitarbeiter wollen weiter wachsen und entwickeln Job und Karriere Verbesserung Fähigkeiten In der Tat ist diese Chance für Mitarbeiter, weiter zu wachsen und durch Training zu entwickeln, einer der wichtigsten Faktoren für die Motivation der Mitarbeiter. Es gibt ein paar Geheimnisse darüber, was die Mitarbeiter von Ausbildungsmöglichkeiten wollen. Plus, Ausbildungsmöglichkeiten sind nicht nur in externen Schulungen und Seminaren gefunden. Diese Ideen betonen, was Mitarbeiter in Ausbildungs - und Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten wollen. Sie artikulieren auch Ihre Chance, gewidmete, wachsende Mitarbeiter zu schaffen, die sowohl Ihr Geschäft als auch sich selbst durch Ihre angebotenen Schulungsmöglichkeiten zugute kommen. Mitarbeiter-Trainings-Optionen: Job-Inhalt und Verantwortlichkeiten Sie können die Ausbildung und Entwicklung durch die Verantwortlichkeiten in einem Mitarbeiter aktuellen Job beeinflussen. Erweitern Sie den Job, um neue, höhere Level-Verantwortlichkeiten einzubeziehen. Reagieren Sie Verantwortlichkeiten, die der Mitarbeiter nicht mag oder die Routine sind. Geben Sie mehr Autorität für den Mitarbeiter, sich selbst zu verwalten und Entscheidungen zu treffen. Laden Sie den Mitarbeiter dazu ein, zu wichtigen, abteilungs - oder unternehmensweiten Entscheidungen und Planungen beizutragen. Geben Sie mehr Zugang zu wichtigen und wünschenswerten Treffen. Geben Sie mehr Informationen, indem Sie den Mitarbeiter auf bestimmte Mailinglisten, in Firmenbriefings und in Ihrem Vertrauen einbinden. Bieten mehr Gelegenheit, Ziele, Prioritäten und Messungen festzulegen. Zuordnen von Berichtsmitarbeitern zu seiner Führung oder Aufsicht. Weisen Sie dem Mitarbeiter zu, Projekte oder Teams zu führen. Ermöglichen Sie dem Mitarbeiter, mehr Zeit mit seinem Chef zu verbringen. Geben Sie die Gelegenheit für den Mitarbeiter, sich in anderen Rollen und Verantwortlichkeiten zu überqueren. Personalausbildungsoptionen: Interne Schulung und Entwicklung Mitarbeiter schätzen die Möglichkeit, ihr Wissen und ihre Fähigkeiten zu entwickeln, ohne jemals Arbeit oder am Arbeitsplatz zu verlassen. Interne Schulung und Entwicklung bringt ein besonderes Plus. Beispiele, Terminologie und Chancen spiegeln die Kultur wider. Umwelt und Bedürfnisse Ihres Arbeitsplatzes. Ermöglichen Sie dem Mitarbeiter, an einer intern angebotenen Trainingseinheit teilzunehmen. Diese Sitzung kann von einem Mitarbeiter in einem Bereich ihrer Expertise oder von einem externen Moderator oder Trainer angeboten werden. Bitten Sie den Mitarbeiter, andere Mitarbeiter mit den Informationen zu einem Seminar oder einer Trainingseinheit zu trainieren. Bieten Sie die Zeit an einer Abteilung Sitzung oder Mittagessen, um die Informationen zu diskutieren oder präsentieren die Informationen an andere gelernt. (Machen Sie dies eine Erwartung, wenn Mitarbeiter externe Schulungen und Konferenzen besuchen.) Führen Sie alle oben aufgeführten Aktivitäten durch. während. Und nach einer Trainingseinheit, um sicherzustellen, dass das Lernen auf die Mitarbeiterarbeit übertragen wird. Kauf von Geschäftsbüchern für den Mitarbeiter. Sponsor ein Mitarbeiter Buch Club, in dem Mitarbeiter diskutieren ein aktuelles Buch und wenden Sie ihre Konzepte an Ihr Unternehmen. Bieten Sie allgemein benötigte Schulungen und Informationen über ein Intranet, eine interne Firmenwebsite an. Bereitstellung von Schulungen durch kenntnisreiche Mitarbeiter oder einen externen Experten in einem braunen Beutel-Mittagessen Format. Mitarbeiter essen zu Mittag und gewinnen Wissen über ein wertvolles Thema. (Einige Ideen beinhalten: Investitionen in ein 401 (k), wie man variiert und balanciert Investitionen, Tipps für die öffentliche Rede, wie man mit dem Chef zu bekommen, und Updates auf neue Produkte, die Arbeit erleichtern. Diese Möglichkeiten sind unbegrenzte Umfrage Mitarbeiter zu Punktbezogene Interessen.) Die Entwickler und andere interessierte Mitarbeiter bei einem Kundenunternehmen haben vor kurzem eine Tagestagung mit dem Mittagessen und allen Fängen einer externen Konferenz in einem lokalen Konferenzzentrum durchgeführt. Von interessierten Mitarbeitern besucht, wurden die Tagungssitzungen fast alle von internen Mitarbeitern zu interessanten Themen für ihr internes Publikum gelehrt. Bild eine 34real34 Tag lange Konferenz und you39ll sehen die Gelegenheit. Die Mitarbeiter wurden über den Glauben hinausgepumpt, den sie gelernt und den Tag genossen haben und neue Respekt für das Wissen und die Fähigkeiten ihrer Mitarbeiter erhalten haben. Personalausbildungsoptionen: Externes Training und Entwicklung Vor allem um neue Kompetenzen und Ideen zu entwickeln, ist die Teilnahme an Mitarbeitern an der externen Ausbildung ein Muss. Die Erreichung von Abschlüssen und die Teilnahme an der Universität verbessern das Wissen und die Fähigkeiten Ihrer Mitarbeiter und erweitern ihre Erfahrungen mit verschiedenen Menschen und Ideen. Ermöglichen Sie dem Mitarbeiter, an einem externen Seminar, Konferenz, Sprecher oder Trainingsveranstaltung teilzunehmen. Führen Sie alle zuvor aufgeführten Aktivitäten aus. während. Und nach einer Trainingseinheit, um sicherzustellen, dass das Lernen auf die Mitarbeiterarbeit übertragen wird. Bezahlen Sie für den Mitarbeiter, um Online-Klassen zu nehmen und zu identifizieren niedrige oder keine Kosten online (und offline) Training. Bezahlen Sie für Mitgliedschaften in externen Berufsverbänden mit dem Verständnis, dass die Mitarbeiter an den Sitzungen teilnehmen, die Zeitschriften lesen und so weiter und regelmäßig aktualisieren Mitarbeiter. Geben Sie einen flexiblen Zeitplan, damit der Mitarbeiter Zeit nehmen kann, an Universitäten, Hochschulen oder anderen formalen Bildungssitzungen teilzunehmen. Geben Sie Unterricht Hilfe zur Förderung der Mitarbeiter39s Verfolgung der zusätzlichen Ausbildung. Trainings - und Entwicklungsgeheimnisse Ich habe mehrere Motivations - und Aufbewahrungsgeheimnisse im Verhältnis zur Mitarbeiterschulung versprochen. Dies sind Schlüsselfaktoren für die Multiplikation des Wertes der von Ihnen angebotenen Schulungen und Entwicklungen. Erlauben Sie den Mitarbeitern, Ausbildung und Entwicklung in Richtungen zu verfolgen, die sie wählen, nicht nur in firmeneigenen und notwendigen Richtungen. Haben Sie Ihr Unternehmen unterstützen Lernen, im Allgemeinen und nicht nur zur Unterstützung der Kenntnisse für die Mitarbeiter aktuellen oder nächsten erwarteten Job benötigt. Erkennen Sie, dass der entscheidende Faktor ist, halten die Mitarbeiter interessiert, teilnehmen und engagiert. Die Entwicklung eines lebenslangen engagierten Lernenden ist ein positiver Faktor für Ihre Organisation, egal wie lange der Mitarbeiter in Ihrem Einsatz wohnt. Nutzen Sie diese Trainingsoptionen, um sicherzustellen, dass Sie die Motivation und die potenzielle Beibehaltung des Mitarbeiters optimieren. Mehr über Training und EntwicklungTraining: 14 Wege zur Entwicklung von Mitarbeitern Aktualisiert am 14. Januar 2017 Die richtige Mitarbeiterausbildung, Entwicklung und Ausbildung zur richtigen Zeit bietet dem Arbeitgeber große Auszahlungen für mehr Produktivität, Wissen, Loyalität und Beitrag von Arbeitnehmern. Lernen Sie die Ansätze, die garantieren, dass Ihr Training eine Rendite für Ihre Investition bringt. Die Vereinigung für Talent Development (ATD) State of the Industry Bericht sagt: 34Sehend auf Lernprogramme weiterhin eine Priorität für Organisationen im Jahr 2015, nach der Association for Talent Development39s 2016 State of the Industry Bericht. Für das vierte Jahr in Folge, ATD39s endgültige jährliche Überprüfung der Lerninvestitionen festgestellt, dass die Arbeitgeber im Durchschnitt mehr auf direkte Lernausgaben pro Arbeiter als im Vorjahr ausgegeben. Eine weitere heikle Nachricht für Fachleute der Branche: Diese erhöhte Investition wurde mit den Mitarbeitern gekoppelt, die mehr formale Lernstunden erhielten, je nach Datenerhebung in einer Online-Befragung von 310 Organisationen, die eine Vielzahl von Branchen repräsentierten.34 Die ATD-Studie stellte auch fest, dass: , Organisationen verbrachten 1.252 pro Mitarbeiter im Jahr 2015 auf direkte Lernausgaben, nach dem Bericht von 2016, der von der Bellevue University und den Trainings Associates gesponsert wird. Diese Figur erfasst die Design-, Administrations - und Lieferkosten, die mit Lernprogrammen verbunden sind, einschließlich der Gehälter der Talententwicklungsmitarbeiter. Die 23-Anstieg von 201439s Ausgaben von 1.229 ist das größte einjährige Wachstum seit 2010, als viele Organisationen in den frühen Stadien der Wiederherstellung von der Großen Rezession waren. Wenn diese beträchtliche Investition auf die interne Gestaltung, Auslieferung und Verwaltung von Lernprogrammen gerichtet ist oder in die Dienstleistungsdienste getrieben wird, gingen 2015 für die durchschnittliche Organisation 28 Prozent der direkten Lernausgaben an ausgelagerte oder externe Aktivitäten (die Umfassen Beratungsleistungen, externe Content-Entwicklung und Lizenzen sowie Workshops und Trainingsprogramme von externen Anbietern), ähnlich wie in den Vorjahren. Weitere 11 Prozent gingen an die Erstattung der Erstattung. Etwas mehr als 60 Prozent der Ausgaben waren auf interne Ausgaben und Gehälter.34 Sicherstellung, dass die Verwendung von Training für Organisationen vorteilhaft ist Mit dieser Investition von Stunden und Dollars in der Ausbildung müssen Organisationen sicherstellen, dass ihre Investitionen in die Ausbildung klug sind. Jeder Mitarbeiter in jeder Organisation hat unterschiedliche Bedürfnisse für die Ausbildung. Sie haben jeweils unterschiedliche Ausbildungsformen, von denen sie am erfolgreichsten lernen können. Wichtige Aspekte des Trainings Wie die Schulungsbedürfnisse bestimmt werden, wie die Schulung von Mitarbeitern betrachtet wird und wie die Schulung geliefert wird, wird zu kritisch wichtigen Themen. Trainings-Trends und Methoden für die Gewinnung von Wissen, andere als traditionelle Klassenzimmer Ausbildung, wie Coaching und Mentoring. Im Mittelpunkt stehen. Training, das jedem Mitarbeiter hilft, ihre Fähigkeiten und Kenntnisse zu erweitern, um seinen aktuellen Job besser zu erfüllen, wird als ein Vorteil geschätzt. Das Training erhöht auch die Loyalität der Mitarbeiter und damit die Beibehaltung und hilft Ihnen, die bestmöglichen Mitarbeiter zu gewinnen. Die Übertragung der Ausbildung vom Trainingsanbieter, ob online oder im Klassenzimmer, an den Job, wird auch zunehmend überprüft, da Sie mehr Ressourcen in die Ausbildung investieren. Lernen Sie die Ansätze, die eine Rendite für Ihre Investition garantieren und die Loyalität der Mitarbeiter sicherstellen. Organisationen fordern zunehmend nach monetärer Rechtfertigung, dass die geleistete Ausbildung Ergebnisse liefert - bereit sein, Ihre Ergebnisse zu demonstrieren. Optionen für Aus - und Weiterbildung für Mitarbeiter Die Optionen für die Ausbildung und Entwicklung von Mitarbeitern vergrössern aufgrund dieser Faktoren: technologische Innovationen, Mitarbeiterbehebungsstrategien. Und die Notwendigkeit für Organisationen, ständig ihre Mitarbeiter zu entwickeln39 Fähigkeit, mit dem Tempo der Veränderung Schritt zu halten. Also, das Senden eines Mitarbeiters für die Ausbildung an einem eintägigen Seminar oder einem einwöchigen Workshop ist nur eine von vielen Möglichkeiten, die es jetzt gibt. Die American Society for Training and Development hat traditionell mindestens 40 Stunden Training pro Jahr für jeden Mitarbeiter empfohlen. Dies steht im Einklang mit dem Schwerpunkt Mitarbeiter auf die Möglichkeit zu wachsen und entwickeln ihre Fähigkeiten und Karriere, während in Ihrem beschäftigen. Die Chance für die laufende Entwicklung, ist einer der fünf wichtigsten Faktoren, die Mitarbeiter bei der Arbeit erleben wollen. In der Tat ist die Unfähigkeit eines Mitarbeiters, Fortschritte zu sehen, ein oft zitierter Grund für das Verlassen eines Arbeitgebers. Als Retention-Strategie für Ihre bevorzugten Mitarbeiter, Schulung und Entwicklung Preise hoch. Nur ihre Wahrnehmung ihrer Gehälter und Vorteile als wettbewerbsfähig, und Berichterstattung an einen Manager sie mögen, höher bewerten. 14 Optionen für die Ausbildung von Mitarbeitern Wenn Sie über Bildung, Ausbildung und Entwicklung nachdenken, existieren Optionen extern, intern und online. Die Auswahl reicht von Seminaren über Buchvereine bis hin zu Mentoringprogrammen. Hier sind die vorhandenen Alternativen, um Ihren Mitarbeitern zu helfen, weiter zu wachsen. Für die Rekrutierung, Beibehaltung und Verwaltung von Veränderung und kontinuierliche Verbesserung, übernehmen alle diese Praktiken innerhalb Ihrer Organisation. External Education, Training und Development Seminare, Workshops und Klassen kommen in jeder Vielfalt vorstellbar, sowohl in-Person und online. Nehmen Sie Feldfahrten zu anderen Firmen und Organisationen. Hochschulen und Universitäten, und gelegentlich, lokale Erwachsenenbildung, Community Colleges oder technische Schulen bieten Klassen. Universitäten erreichen erwachsene Lernende mit abends und Wochenende MBA und Business-Programme. Professionelle Seminare, Tagungen und Konferenzen bieten Ausbildungsmöglichkeiten. Internal Education, Training und Entwicklung Onsite Seminare und Klassen bieten Schulungen an Ihre Organisation angepasst. Coaching gibt den Mitarbeitern die Möglichkeit, Wissen zu teilen. Mentoring ist in der Mitarbeiterentwicklung und - ausbildung zunehmend wichtig, ebenso formale Mentoring-Programme. Einen Buchclub bei der Arbeit bilden Was Ihre Organisation tun kann, um kontinuierliches Lernen und regelmäßiges Training zu erleichtern. Erstellen Sie eine Lernumgebung. Kommunizieren Sie die Erwartung für das Lernen. Bieten Sie Arbeitszeitunterstützung für das Lernen an. Machen Sie online Lernen und Lesen Teil eines jeden Mitarbeiter 39. Tag. Geben Sie eine professionelle Bibliothek. Angebot College Nachhilfe Erstattung. Aktivieren Sie flexible Zeitpläne, damit Mitarbeiter Klassen besuchen können. Bezahlen Sie für Berufsverbände Mitgliedschaften und Konferenz Teilnahme jährlich für Mitarbeiter. Training ist entscheidend für die laufende Entwicklung der Menschen, die Sie beschäftigen und ihre Beibehaltung und Erfolg. Seien Sie kreativ, um vielfältige Trainingsmöglichkeiten zu bieten. Die Chancen, die Sie zu trainieren und zu entwickeln haben, erweitern sich jedes Jahr. Warum nicht von ihnen profitieren, wenn die Entwicklung einer Ihrer Mitarbeiter ist39 wichtigste Erwartungen von einem Arbeitgeber. Training und Lernen Entwicklung Ausbildung, Coaching, Mentoring, Ausbildung und Lernen Design - Entwicklung von Menschen Konventionelle Ausbildung ist erforderlich, um wesentliche arbeitsbezogene Fähigkeiten, Techniken zu decken Und Wissen, und viel von diesem Abschnitt befasst sich mit einem positiven progressiven Ansatz für diese Art der traditionellen Ausbildung. Wichtig ist jedoch, dass der effektivste Weg, um Menschen zu entwickeln, ganz anders ist als die konventionelle Kompetenztraining, mit der sich viele Mitarbeiter sehr negativ auseinandersetzen lassen. Sie tun es natürlich, aber sie werden es nicht viel genießen, weil es sich um Arbeit handelt, nicht um sich selbst als Menschen. Der effektivste Weg, um Menschen zu entwickeln, ist stattdessen Lernen und persönliche Entwicklung zu ermöglichen. Mit allem, was das bedeutet. So, sobald Sie das grundlegende berufsbezogene Kompetenztraining abgedeckt haben, das in diesem Abschnitt viel beschrieben wird, konzentrieren Sie sich auf das Lernen und die Entwicklung für Menschen als Einzelpersonen, die das Spektrum der Entwicklung außerhalb der traditionellen Arbeitsfähigkeit und des Wissens ausdehnt und weit schafft Aufregendere, befreiende, motivierende Möglichkeiten - für Menschen und für Arbeitgeber. Mit Recht sind die Organisationen in diesen Tagen sehr stark unter Druck geraten, die Entwicklung und Erfüllung der Gesamtpersonen zu erleichtern und zu fördern - jenseits der traditionellen Ausbildung. Index - Trainingsgebiete und Fragen auf dieser Seite Mentoring - Prinzipien, Kalkulation, Rechtfertigung, Etablierung von Trainingsressourcen Ideen und Typen - Ressourcen sind überall - wie man eine eigene Bibliothek bollectiontoolbox baut Eine Notiz über die Rechtschreibung auf dieser Website: Sie können feststellen, dass die Worte Organisationorganisation (Und Variationen) auf dieser Seite sind die britischen englischen Weg, Organisation und die US-englischen Weg, Organisation geschrieben. Dies ist so, dass die Menschen die Materialien leicht finden können, wenn sie im Internet suchen. Andere Wörter wie Farbe, Bevorzugung, Optimierung, Priorisierung, etc. neigen dazu, die britische englische Rechtschreibung zu folgen, weil ich Englisch bin. Fühlen Sie sich frei zu überprüfen und zu ändern diese Notizen nach Ihren Vorlieben, wenn Sie sie für Ihre eigene Situation verwenden, die für Lehre und Studium ist ganz okay. Einleitung und Kontext Wie bei dieser Website als Ganzes orientiert sich dieser Trainingsführer vor allem um alles, was für Menschen gut ist, und zwar vor allem was für Organisationen rentabel ist. Der Grund dafür ist, dass in Bezug auf Lernen, Training und Entwicklung, was gut für Menschen ist gut für die Organisationen, in denen sie arbeiten. Was für die Entwicklung der Völker gut ist, ist gut für organisatorische Leistung, Qualität, Kundenzufriedenheit, effektives Management und Kontrolle und damit auch Gewinn. Dies ist zentral für einen ausgewogenen psychologischen Vertrag in Arbeitsorganisationen. Profit ist ein Ergebnis der Verwaltung und Entwicklung von Menschen gut. Menschen und ihre Entwicklung ermöglichen Gewinn. Ermöglichen Sie Menschen und Sie profitieren von Gewinn. Organisationen, die sich aus diesem Standpunkt der Ausbildung und Entwicklung nähern, unterstützen unweigerlich Menschen, die gut und fortschreiten und vor allem lange genug bleiben, um großartig zu werden, was sie tun, und anderen zu helfen, so zu werden. Training is a very commonly used word, so it features heavily on this page, but learning is in many ways a better way to think of the subject, because learning belongs to the learner, whereas training traditionally belongs to the trainer or the organization. This is a significant difference in attitude, explained in more detail on the training or learning page. Training should be about whole person development - not just transferring skills, the traditional interpretation of training at work. Whatever your role and responsibility, you might not immediately be able to put great new emphasis on whole person development. Being realistic, corporate attitudes and expectations about what training is and does cannot be changed overnight, and most organisations still see training as being limited to work skills, classrooms and powerpoint presentations. However, when you start to imagine and think and talk about progressive attitudes to developing people - beyond traditional skills training - for example: enabling learning facilitating meaningful personal development helping people to identify and achieve their own personal potential then you will surely begin to help the organisation (and CEO) to see and accept these newer ideas about what types of learning and development really work best and produces class-leading organizations. N. B. The UK (consistent with Europe) Employment Equality (Age) Regulations 2006, effective from 1st October 2006, make it unlawful to discriminate against anyone on the grounds of age. This has several implications for training, documents used, and the training of trainers and facilitators. For further guidance about the effects of Age Equality and Discrimination in training and developing people, (and in other aspects of managing people), see the Age Diversity information, which quite naturally relates to the subject of whole-person development, given its connections with diversity and taking proper care of people. There are very many materials on this website with particular relevance to the design and delivery and management of learning and development. Here are some examples, which will lead you to others, aside from the general guidance on this page: Experiential learning - and guide to facilitating experiential learning activities Training or learning - facilitating learning - rather than imposing training - ideas on whole-person development. The group selection recruitmentassessment centre design guide also contains some useful information for training and assessment design, especially the need to establish a clear specification (developmentassessment criteria) before beginning to design training concepts, content, delivery and methods of assessment, incidentally illustrated by this outline process diagram: training process ideas and outline process Here is a relatively simple overview of typical reference models, processes and tools found in the effective planning and delivery of organizational training. 1. Assess and agree training needs 2. Create training or development specification 3. Consider learning styles and personality 4. Plan training and evaluation 5. Design materials, methods and deliver training Conduct some sort of training needs analysis. Another method example of assessing and prioritising training is DIF Analysis. This commonly happens in the appraisal process. Involve the people in identifying and agreeing relevant aligned training. Look also at your recruitment processes - there is no point training people if they are not the right people to begin with. Why people leave also helps identify development needs. Having identified what you want to train and develop in people, you must break down the training or learning requirement into manageable elements. Attach standards or measures or parameters to each element. Revisit the skill-sets and training needs analysis tools - they can help organize and training elements assessment on a large scale. Peoples learning styles greatly affect what type of training they will find easiest and most effective. Look also at personality types. Remember you are dealing with people, not objects. People have feelings as well as skills and knowledge. The Erikson model is wonderful for understanding more about this. Consider the team and the group. Adairs theory helps. So does the Tuckman model . Consider evaluation training effectiveness. which includes before-and-after measurements. The Kirkpatrick model especially helps you to structure training design. Consider Blooms theory too, so that you can understand what sort of development you are actually addressing. See the self-study program design tips below - the internet offers more opportunities than ever. Presentation is an important aspect of delivery. Good writing techniques help with the design of materials. So do the principles of advertising - its all about meaningful communication. There is a useful training providers selection template on the sales training page, which can be adapted for all sorts of providers and services. There are many different training and development methods. On-the-job training, informal training, classroom training, internal training courses, external training courses, on-the-job coaching, life-coaching. mentoring, training assignments and tasks, skills training, product training, technical training, behavioural development training, role-playing and role-play games and exercises. attitudinal training and development, accredited training and learning, distance learning - all part of the training menu, available to use and apply according to individual training needs and organisational training needs. Training is also available far beyond and outside the classroom. More importantly, training - or learning, to look at it from the trainees view - is anything offering learning and developmental experience. Training and learning development includes aspects such as: ethics and morality attitude and behaviour leadership and determination, as well as skills and knowledge. Development isnt restricted to training - its anything that helps a person to grow, in ability, skills, confidence, tolerance, commitment, initiative, inter-personal skills, understanding, self-control, motivation (see the motivation theory section), and more. If you consider the attributes of really effective people, be they leaders, managers, operators, technicians any role at all, the important qualities which make good performers special are likely to be attitudinal . Skills and knowledge, and the processes available to people, are no great advantage. What makes people effective and valuable to any organization is their attitude. Attitude includes qualities that require different training and learning methods. Attitude stems from a persons mind-set, belief system, emotional maturity, self-confidence, and experience. These are the greatest training and development challenges faced, and there are better ways of achieving this sort of change and development than putting people in a classroom, or indeed by delivering most sorts of conventional business or skills training, which people see as a chore. This is why training and learning must extend far beyond conventional classroom training courses. Be creative, innovative, and open-minded, and you will discover learning in virtually every new experience, whether for yourself, your team, or your organization. If you want to make a difference, think about what really helps people to change. Many of these methodologies are explained on this website. Explore them and enjoy them, and encourage others to do the same. All supervisors and managers should enable and provide training and development for their people - training develops people, it improves performance, raises morale training and developing people increases the health and effectiveness of the organization, and the productivity of the business. The leaders ethics and behaviour set the standard for their peoples, which determines how productively they use their skills and knowledge. Training is nothing without the motivation to apply it effectively. A strong capability to plan and manage skills training, the acquisition of knowledge, and the development of motivation and attitude, largely determines how well people perform in their jobs. Training - and also enabling learning and personal development - is essential for the organisation. It helps improve quality, customer satisfaction, productivity, morale, management succession, business development and profitability. As regards conventional work-related training planning, and training itself, these are step-by-step processes - see and download a free training process diagram. More free training tools are available for download at the free training tools and resources page. See for example the training planner and traininglesson plan calculator tool. which are templates for planning and organising the delivery of job skills training and processes, and transfer of knowledge and policy etc. See also the training induction checklist and planner tool. Use these tools and processes to ensure that essential work-related skills, techniques, and knowledge are trained, but remember after this to concentrate most of your training efforts and resources on enabling and facilitating meaningful learning and personal development for people . There is no reason to stop at work-related training. Go further to help people grow and develop as people. Having said this, we do need to start with the essentials, for example induction training for new starters. Induction Training is especially important for new starters. Good induction training ensures new starters are retained, and then settled in quickly and happily to a productive role. Induction training is more than skills training. Its about the basics that seasoned employees all take for granted: what the shifts are where the notice-board is whats the routine for holidays, sickness wheres the canteen whats the dress code where the toilets are. New employees also need to understand the organisations mission, goals and philosophy personnel practices, health and safety rules, and of course the job theyre required to do, with clear methods, timescales and expectations. Managers must ensure induction training is properly planned - an induction training plan must be issued to each new employee, so they and everyone else involved can see whats happening and that everything is included. You must prepare and provide a suitable induction plan for each new starter. Heres a free induction training checklist. These induction training principles are necessarily focused on the essential skills and knowledge for a new starter to settle in and to begin to do their job. However there is great advantage in beginning to address personal development needs, wishes, opportunities, particular strengths, abilities, talent, etc. during or very soon after the induction process. The sooner the better. An organisation needs to assess its peoples skills training needs - by a variety of methods - and then structure the way that the training and development is to be delivered, and managers and supervisors play a key role in helping this process. Peoples personal strengths and capabilities - and aims and desires and special talents (current and dormant) - also need to be assessed, so as to understand, and help the person understand, that the opportunities for their development and achievement in the organisation are not limited by the job role, or the skill-set that the organisation inevitably defines for the person. As early as possible, let people know that their job role does not define their potential as a person within or outside the organisation, and, subject to organisational policy, look to develop each person in a meaningful relevant way that they will enjoy and seek, as an individual, beyond the job role, and beyond work requirements. If possible top-up this sort of development through the provision of mentoring and facilitative coaching (drawing out - not putting in), which is very effective in producing excellent people. Mentoring and proper coaching should be used alongside formal structured training anyway, but this type of support can also greatly assist whole-person development, especially where the mentor or coach is seen as a role-model for the persons own particular aspirations. Its important that as a manager you understand yourself well before you coach, or train or mentor others: Are your own your own skills adequate Do you need help or training in any important areas necessary to train, coach, mentor others What is your own style How do you you communicate How do you approach tasks What are your motives These all affect the way you see and perform see the training, coaching or mentoring role, and the way that you see and relate to the person that your are coaching, or training, or mentoring. Your aim is to help the other person learn and develop - not to create another version of yourself. When you understand yourself, you understand how you will be perceived, how best to communicate, and how best to help others grow and learn and develop. And its vital you understand the other persons style and personality too - how they prefer to learn - do they like to read and absorb a lot of detail, do they prefer to be shown, to experience themselves by trial and error Knowing the other persons preferred learning style helps you deliver the training in the most relevant and helpful way. It helps you design activities and tasks that the other person will be more be more comfortable doing, which ensures a better result, quicker. Various models and tests are available to help understand learning styles - look at the Kolb model. Look at multiple intelligences and the VAK learning model and free learning style tests. See also the Johari Window model and adapted theory - its a useful explanation of the importance of open communications and strong mutual understanding among staff in organizations, and for all situations where people work together. Its also a useful model for personal awareness and self-development. prioritising training Given the vast range of skills and other competencies which can be developed in people it is useful for some sort of prioritising to take place so that training focuses on the areas which will yield best benefit, in other words, return on investment (typically in terms of organizational performance, although the needs of teams and individuals can also be very significant in prioritising training and development, depending on the situation.) In addition to the skill-sets and training needs analysis tools on this website, here are three other examples of methods for prioritising training: EssentialDesirable - simply and quickly define each activity (skill, competency, whatever) according to whether it is essential or desirable for the job purpose and organizational performance. Training priority is obviously given to developing essential competencies. ImportanceCompetency matrix - the highest training priorities are obviously the activities (skills, competencies, whatever) which are high importance (of task to organizational performance) and low competence (of trainee skill level). high importance and low competence high training priority high importance and high competence low training priority low importance and low competence low training priority low importance and high competence zero training priority DIF Analysis - DIF stands for Difficulty, Importance, Frequency. DIF Analysis is a sophisticated (and potentially very complex) method of assessing performance, prioritising training needs and planning training, based on three perspectives: Difficulty, Importance, and Frequency. The system looks at tasks and activities (or skills, competencies, whatever) rather than looking at development from a personal individual perspective. DIF Analysis can be used in different ways: for example as a flow diagram to consider each activity using a simple yesno for each of the three factors in sequence of Difficulty (yesno), Importance (yesno) and Frequency (yesno), which generates eight possible combinations. At a simple level, an activity that scores low on all three scales is obviously low priority whereas an activity that scores high on all three scales is a high priority. Weighting (significance of each factor relative to the job purposeaims) is required in order to optimise the usefulness and relevance of the system, especially if applied to a group or organization. Analysis can become extremely complex, so it is sensible to ensure that the level of analysis is appropriate for the situation before starting to build complex analysis systems. For such a potentially detailed system, DIF Analysis does not automatically take account of personal preferences and potential capabilities, and as such consideration to this aspect is wise where trainee commitment is influential upon development, which in most situations is the case. The Skill-set and TNA tools on this website could, given modest expertise in spreadsheets and logic, be adapted to manage DIF Analysis, although better dedicated DIF Analysis tools exist. If you have one to share please send it. Other methods exist for prioritising training. Choose or develop a method which is appropriate for your situation. Resist the tendency to become overly detailed. Analysis and detail should always be a means to an end (to achieve effective training and development), not an end in themselves. Ultimately the best way to prioritise training is can be simply to agree with the trainee what they are most keen to commit to. All the analysis and detail in the world will not guarantee trainee commitment, which is generally the most powerful force for effective training and development. Task-based analysis is important for organizational development measurement and planning, but approaching training prioritisation from purely a task perspective ignores the vital personal factor. developing people and capabilities Many organizations face the challenge of developing greater confidence, initiative, solutions-finding, and problem-solving capabilities among their people. Organisations need staff at all levels to be more self-sufficient, resourceful, creative and autonomous. This behaviour enables staff can operate at higher strategic level, which makes their organizations more productive and competitive. Peoples efforts produce bigger results. Its what all organizations strive to achieve. However, while conventional skills training gives people new techniques and methods, it wont develop their maturity, belief, or courage, which is so essential for the development of managerial and strategic capabilities. Again, focus on developing the person . not the skills. Try to see things from the persons (your peoples) point of view. Provide learning and experiences that theyd like for their own personal interest, development and fulfilment. Performance and capability are ultimately dependent on peoples attitude and emotional maturity. Help them to achieve what they want on a personal level, and this provides a platform for trust, emotional contracting with the organisation, and subsequent skillsprocessknowledge development relevant to managing higher responsibilities, roles and teams. Participative workshops work well in beginning this type of attitudinal development. Involve people right from the start. Focus on what they want. You could also use a personal development questionnaire to begin to set the scene and provide examples of alternative learning opportunities. It starts with the person, not the skills. Its about attitude and emotional maturity. The Emotional Intelligence principles and methodologies fit very well with modern approaches to developing peoples belief, maturity and attitude. When people develop confidence, integrity, emotionally, they automatically become more proactive, solutions-focused, responsive, etc. which across a whole team has a cumulative effect. Johari is a useful model too. So many people at work are simply going through the motions, acting in a conforming state, often because they feel insecure, lack confidence to do what they think is right, or are nervous about being bold, whereas boldness is absolutely required for self-sufficiency, initiative, greater responsibility in fact all of the behaviours that organizations strive to encourage. You cant teach boldness - people have to experience things which enable them to feel bolder, to take risks, and to want to take risks. This means the rewards must be there too, or people have no reason to stick their necks out. And not just the prospect of financial reward. More importantly the Herzberg - type motivators - real extra responsibility, recognition, and involvement in new successful and interesting projects. This is the fuel of peoples growth and change. designing self-study training and learning programmes The same basic principles apply to designing self-study programs as to any other sort of training design. The internet enables self-study learning and development programs to be more useful, empowering and cost-effective than ever before. The only limits are those you imagine. Be creative and innovative. Look on the web for ideas and self-study and self-development resources, methods, groups, and technologies. Da sind viele. This website is effectively a self-study program. Its not a particularly conventional one, nor an accredited or measurable one. Like any sort of learning it will appeal to some people but not others. As ever consider what you seek to achieve, before you design how to achieve it. Know yourself as a trainer (andor encourage this among your trainers), and help trainees and learners to know themselves. Then it is easier to decide how and what will help best. To help you structure and design and assess learning, read the training design and evaluation materials on this page and elsewhere on the website, for example the Kirpatrick evaluation and design model. the learning styles and multiple intelligence theories. and the Bloom learning domains taxonomy model. The group selection recruitment and assessment centre guide is also relevant. Assessment and development are tightly connected. To help you understand yourself read the materials relating to personality and motivation, such as Eriksons theory. the personality styles theories. and the ideas of Maslow. Herzberg. McGregor. etc. Designing a good self-study program should by its nature if possible involve the students. Involving people from the beginning increases ideas, relevance and commitment. mentoring linked to projects and objectives activities Linking mentoring with objectives and project tasks or activities is a highly productive and effective modern method of training and developing people in organizations, especially for staff in teams and departments, and for developing organizations themselves . The approach builds on management by objectives (MBOs) principles, but is more participative, voluntary and inclusive. By comparison, MBOs are a one-way street isolated and individually separate, prescribed along a single-channel towards a task focus. Well-facilitated activity focused mentoring is consensual, team-orientated, with a personal development and team building focus, across multiple organizational interfaces, particularly to and between managementsubordinatepeer levels. Activity focused mentoring methods also help develop systems (not IT and processes, but overall systems: ie. how an organization works), organizations, management and communications, in an open, dynamic, organic, three-dimensional way. The activity-mentoring approach uses several integrated techniques which produce more reliable and relevant training and learning outputs, in terms of individual skills, attitudinal development, and direct job and organizational performance improvement. The approach is facilitative rather than prescriptive . and broadly features: strategic assessment of organisational and department priorities and high-yield training needs interpreted discussion with line-managers of training delegates and strategic managers of the organisation pre-training skillsbehavioural needs-analysis - all training delegates - and pre-training preparatory work small groups - practical workshops - short sessions - highly participative and situationsolution-based - focused on practical job issues, individual personalitylearning style and organisational priorities individually agreed tasks and assignments - focused on practical priorities and individual needs (SMART and WIIFM factors ) follow-up coaching and mentoring one-to-one support - giving high accountability and reliable deliverables ongoing feedback and review with line-managers and strategic managers - coachingtask notes for line managers The process works on several different levels: individual, team, task, organisational and strategic. Activity focused mentoring also gives strong outputs in skills, behaviour and job priority areas, as well as being strongly motivational and where necessary resolving conflict and attitudinal issues. mentoring cost analysis and justification Mentoring can be provided in various ways and programmes take a variety of shapes. Mentoring can be external, where the mentoring is essentially provided by external people, or an internal activity, using mentors within the organisation. Due to the relative newness of mentoring as a formal organised process, and because mentoring programmes are so varied, statistics as to general costs and returns across industry are not easy to find. Here however are general cost indicators for a program essentially delivered by internally appointed mentors. The main elements of a mentoring programme that carry quantifiable cost would be: Training of mentor(s) - comfortably achievable for pound1,000head - its not rocket science, but selection of suitable mentor is absolutely critical - good natural mentors need little training other people who are not ready or able to help others can be beyond any amount of training. Mentor time away from normal activities - needs to be a minimum of an hour a month one-to-one or nothing can usefully be achieved, up to at most a couple of hours a week one-to-one, which would be intensive almost to the point of overloading the mentoree. That said, there may be occasions when the one-to-one would necessarily involve a whole day out for the mentor, for instance client or supplier visits. Say on average a day a month including the associated administration work, particularly where the mentoring is required to be formalised and recorded. Overseeing the program, evaluating and monitoring activity, progress and outputs - depends on the size of the program, ie. number of mentors an number of mentorees - if the mentoring is limited to just a single one-to-one relationship then its largely self-managing - if its a programme involving several mentors an mentorees then estimate an hour per quarter (3 mths) per one-to-one mentoring relationship - probably the responsibility of an HR or training manager. If this person with the overviewmonitoring responsibility needs external advice youd need to add on two or three days external training or consultancy costs. ( Mentoree time away from normal activities - effective mentoring should ideally integrate with the mentorees normal activities, and enhance productivity, effectiveness, etc. so this is arguably a credit not a debit.) mentoring principles and techniques Rather than simply give the answers, the mentors role should be to help the mentoree find the answers for himherself . While giving the answers is usually better than giving no help at all, helping the mentoree to find the answers for himherself provides far more effective mentoring, because the process enables so much more for the mentoree in terms of experience of learning . Give someone the answers and they learn only the answers instead mentors need to facilitate the experience of discovery and learning. The mentor should therefore focus mentoring effort and expectations (of the person being mentored especially, and the organisation) on helping and guiding the mentoree to find the answers and develop solutions of hisher own. Accordingly, many of the principles of mentoring are common to those of proper coaching, which are particularly prominent within life coaching. You should also refer to aspects of NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming). and Sharon Drew Morgens Facilitative Questioning methodology. Mentors need to be facilitators and coaches, not tutors or trainers. Mentorees need simply to open their minds to the guidance and facilitative methods of the mentor. The mentor should not normally (unless in the case of emergency) provide the answers for the mentoree instead a mentor should ask the right questions (facilitative, guiding, interpretive, non-judgemental) that guide the mentoree towards finding the answers for himherself. If a mentor tells a mentoree what to do, then the mentoree becomes like the mentor, which is not right nor sustainable, and does not help the mentoree to find hisher own true self. The mentors role is to help the mentoree to find hisher own true self to experience their own attempts, failures and successes, and by so doing, to develop hisher own natural strengths and potential. We can see parallels in the relationship between a parents and a child. If a parent imposes his or her ways, methods and thinking upon a child, the child becomes a clone of the parent, and in some cases then falsifies his or her own true self to please and replicate the model projected by the parent. The true self might never appear, or when it begins to, a crisis of confidence and purpose occurs as the person tries to find and liberate his or her true self. When we mentor people, or when we raise children, we should try to help them develop as individuals according to their natural selves . and their own wishes . not ours. tips on establishing a mentoring service or programme There are very many ways to design a mentoring programme, whether within an organization, or as a service or help that you provide personally to others. Here are some questions that you should ask yourself. The answers will move you closer to what you seek to achieve: What parameters and aims have you set for the mentoring activity What will your mentoring programme or service look and feel like What must it achieve and for whom What are your timescales How will the mentoring programme or activity be resourced and managed and measured What type of design and planning approach works best for you (It makes sense to use a design and planning approach that works for you.) What are your main skills and style and how might these influence the programme design What methods (phone, face-to-face, email, etc) of communication and feedback are available to you, and what communications methods do your customers need and prefer What outputs and effects do you want the programme to produce for you, and for the people being mentored How might you build these core aims, and the implied values and principles, into your programme design How can you best measure and agree that these outputs - especially the agreed expectations of the people being mentored - are being met. How can you best help people in matters for which you need to refer them elsewhere What skills, processes, tools, experience, knowledge, style do you think you will need that you do not currently have What do your customers indicate that they want in terms of content, method and style or mentoring - in other words what does your target market need. and what parts of those requirements are you naturally best able to meet Mentoring is potentially an infinite demand upon the mentor so you need to have a clear idea of the extent of your mentoring offering. Establishing clear visible parameters enables proper agreement of mutual expectations. general training tips These tips apply essentially to traditional work-related training - for the transfer of necessary job - or work-related skills or knowledge. These tips do not apply automatically to other forms of enabling personal development and facilitating learning, which by their nature involve much wider and various development methods and experiences. When planning training think about: your objectives - keep them in mind all the time how many people you are training the methods and format you will use when and how long the training lasts where it happens how you will measure its effectiveness how you will measure the trainees reaction to it When you you give skills training to someone use this simple five-step approach: prepare the trainee - take care to relax them as lots of people find learning new things stressful explain the jobtask, skill, project, etc - discuss the method and why explain standards and why explain necessary tools, equipment or systems provide a demonstration - step-by-step - the more complex, the more steps - people cannot absorb a whole complicated task all in one go - break it down - always show the correct way - accentuate the positive - seek feedback and check understanding have the trainee practice the job - we all learn best by actually doing it - (I hear and I forget, I see and I remember, I do and I understand - Confucius) monitor progress - give positive feedback - encourage, coach and adapt according to the pace of development Creating and using progress charts are helpful, and are essential for anything complex - if you cant measure it you cant manage it. Its essential to use other training tools too for planning, measuring, assessing, recording and following up on the persons training. Breaking skills down into easily digestible elements enables you to plan and manage the training activities much more effectively. Training people in stages, when you can build up each skill, and then an entire role, from a series of elements, keeps things controlled, relaxed and always achievable in the mind of the trainee. Establishing a relevant skill set is essential for assessing and prioritising training for any role. It is not sufficient simply to assess against a job description, as this does not reflect skills, only responsibilities, which are different. Establishing a behaviour set is also very useful, but is a more difficult area to assess and develop. More information and guidance about working with Skill-Sets and Behaviour Sets, and assessment and training planning see training evaluation. and performance appraisals. and other related linked articles on this site. Using Skill-Sets to measure individuals skills and competencies is the first stage in producing a training needs analysis for individuals, a group, and a whole organisation. You can see and download a free Skill-Set tool and Training Needs Analysis tool the free resources page. This will not however go beyond the basic work-related job skills and attributes development areas. These tools deal merely with basic work training, and not with more important whole person development, for which more sophisticated questioning, mentoring and learning facilitation methods need to be used. Psychometric tests (and even graphology - handwriting analysis) are also extremely useful for training and developing people, as well as recruitment, which is the more common use. Psychometric testing produces reliable assessments which are by their nature objective, rather than subjective, as tends to be with your own personal judgement. Your organisation may already use systems of one sort or another, so seek advice. See the section on psychometrics. Some of these systems and tools are extremely useful in facilitating whole-person learning and development. Some tips to make training (and learning, coaching, mentoring) more enjoyable and effective: keep instructions positive (do this rather than dont do this) avoid jargon - or if you cant then explain them and better still provide a written glossary you must tailor training to the individual, so you need to be prepared to adapt the pace according to the performance once training has begun encourage, and be kind and thoughtful - be accepting of mistakes, and treat them as an opportunity for you both to learn from them focus on accomplishment and progress - recognition is the fuel of development offer praise generously be enthusiastic - if you show you care you can expect your trainee to care too check progress regularly and give feedback invite questions and discussion be patient and keep a sense of humour Induction training tips: assess skill and knowledge level before you start teach the really easy stuff first break it down into small steps and pieces of information encourage pride cover health and safety issues fully and carefully try to identify a mentor or helper for the trainee As a manager, supervisor, or an organisation, helping your people to develop is the greatest contribution you can make to their well-being. Do it to your utmost and you will be rewarded many times over through greater productivity, efficiency, environment and all-round job-satisfaction. Remember also to strive for your own personal self-development at all times - these days we have more opportunity and resource available than ever to increase our skills, knowledge and self-awareness. Make use of it all. recognise and acknowledge training and development achievements - letter examples As an employer or manager, take the time to recognise and thank employees for successfully (or unsuccessfully) completing training and development courses, projects or challenges. Receiving recognition is a powerful motivator and stimulant towards further training and personal development. And yet the opportunity to acknowledge peoples achievements is often overlooked. A simple letter of congratulations - especially in this age of disposable emails, or a mention in a company magazine or newsletter is often all that it takes to give people a huge boost. An email, or even a verbal well done or pat on the back is better than nothing at all, but a letter is a very powerful indeed. Think about it: A letter, sent to the home address, is special. Its on official letterheaded paper. Its personally signed. It took time and care to write, sign and send. Its something people tend to keep. It is likely to be opened so that the partner or family sees it too, which dramatically adds to the power of the recognition. So, an email is good, but not nearly so impactful as a letter. Heres are some short examples of simple sample letters of congratulations or encouragement for completing training and development aims, successfully, and also encouragement for unsuccessful effort, when some people need a boost more than ever. Letters of recognition and congratulations are appropriate from line managers, and higher up the organisation especially. An individual signed letter of congratulations from the MD or CEO is a hugely motivational event in most employees lives. Peoples valiant failures deserve recognition too, and often help the person to keep positive, and keep striving to succeed in the future. Remember that training and development is not restricted to training courses. Projects, delegated tasks, job-swaps, temporary postings and other responsibilities can all be forms of learning and development and are worthy of recognition when carried out well, or encouragement when a brave effort fall short. Adapt these examples to give encouragement to people when they are striving to improve and achieve. It can make the difference between them wanting to try again or not. sample letter of congratulations (name, home address, date) My warmest congratulations to you on your completion of your. training courseprogramme on (date). Your achievement (of. qualificationaccreditation) is richly deserved, and is a great example for others to follow. I encourage you to continue to strive towards further personal development. Best wishes, etc. sample letter of recognition of successful effort (name, home address, date) I am writing to give you my personal appreciation for a job well done when you recently. I recognise this was a tough challenge for you. The way you handled the demands and pressures is an inspiring example to others. You will I suspect go on from this to greater challenges and achievements in the future. Keep up your excellent efforts. Best wishes, etc sample letter of recognition of unsuccessful effort (name, home address, date) I realise that your recent failure to achievecomplete. qualificationcourse will have been a disappointment to you. However, I wanted to let you know that I was greatly impressed by your efforts and attitude in approaching your challenges, and I have every faith that you will succeed on your next attempt. The lessons we learn from our failures are often even more valuable than the experience we gain from our successes. Keep up your excellent efforts. Best wishes, etc leadership and management training and development - processes overview Heres an overview of some simple processes for training and developing management and leadership skills, and any other skills and abilities besides. Use your own tools and processes where they exist and are effective. Various tools are available on the free resources section to help with this process, or from the links below. Refer also to the coaching and development process diagram. Obtain commitment from trainees for development process. Commitment is essential for the development. If possible link this with appraisals and career development systems. Involve trainees in identifying leadership qualities and create skillbehaviour-set that you seek to develop. Training and development workshops are ideal for this activity. Assess, prioritise and agree trainee capabilities, gaps, needs against the skillbehaviour-set individually and as a group, so as to be able to plan group training and individual training according to needs and efficiency of provision. Use the skillbehaviour-set tool for this activity. Use the training needs analysis tool for assessing training needs priorities for a group or whole organization. Design andor source and agree with trainees the activities, exercises, learning, experiences to achieve required training and development in digestible achievable elements - ie break it down. Use the training planner to plan the development and training activities and programmes. Record training objectives and link to appraisals. Establish and agree measures, outputs, tasks, standards, milestones, etc. Use the SMART task model and tool. Training and development can be achieved through very many different methods - use as many as you need to and which suit the individuals and the group. Refer to the Kolb learning styles ideas - different people are suited to different forms of training and learning. Exercises that involve managing project teams towards agreed specific outcomes are ideal for developing management and leadership ability. Start with small projects, then increase project size, complexity and timescales as the trainees abilities grow. Here are examples of other types of training and development. Training need not be expensive, although some obviously is much of this training and development is free the only requirements are imagination, commitment and a solid process to manage and acknowledge the development. The list is not exhaustive the trainer and trainees will have lots more ideas: on the job coaching mentoring delegated tasks and projects reading assignments presentation assignments job deputisation or secondment external training courses and seminars distance learning evening classes hobbies - eg voluntary clubcommittee positions, sports, outdoor activities, and virtually anything outside work that provides a useful personal development challenge internal training courses attending internal briefings and presentations, eg lunch and learn format special responsibilities which require obtaining new skills or knowledge or exposure video internet and e-learning customer and supplier visits attachment to project or other teams job-swap accredited outside courses based on new qualifications, eg NVQs, MBAs, etc. management training with no guarantee of a management job Training people, especially graduates, young rising stars and new recruits, is commonly linked to the veiled promise of or allusion to management opportunity. But what happens when the organisation is unable to offer a management promotion at the end of the training programme This is a familiar pattern and challenge in many organisations. How can you encourage people into a management development programmes, with no assurance of a promotion into management at the end of it The problem lies in the mismatched expectations at the outset: the trainee hopes (which develops into an expectation) for promotion. The organisation cannot (quite rightly) guarantee that a management job will be offered. No wonder that it often ends in tears, and what should have been (and actually still is) a positive experience, namely the learning and experience achieved, turns into a crisis for HR to diffuse, because the trainee feels let down and disappointed. Heres a different way to approach management development: First, come back a few stages and consider the values, beliefs and real nature of the emotional, spiritual and personal development that these people (the management trainees) might need and respond to most. Then youll find it easier to define an honest set of expectations on each side (the graduates and the employer). If the training is positioned as a possible step towards a management promotion, people will become focused on the wrong expectations and aims, and when, as most of them will do, people fail to achieve a promotion they will feel they have failed, and the experience turns sour. Better to design the learning as a significant personal development experience in its own right, with absolutely no promise of a job or a promotion at the end of it. That way everyones (employer and employees) expectations match openly and honestly, and people are all focused on enjoying and benefiting from the learning as the central aim, rather than continually hoping that the management job happens, or in the case of the employer and program manager, preparing to defend and appease folks at the end when theres no job. Added to which, by defining and designing the programme as personal development, enrichment, experience, life-learning, etc (there are many highly appealing and worthy ways to specify and describe a programme like this) - and not being afraid of doing so - you will attract the right sort of people into it ie. the more emotionally mature and positive ones, who want to do it for the learning and experience, rather than purely for the chance of a promotion into management. The irony of course is that students who respond to a learning and personal enrichment opportunity per se, with no guarantees or allusions to management promotion, will be the best management candidates of all. tips for assessing organizational training effectiveness Look at and understand the broad organizational context and business environment: the type, size, scale, spread, geography, logistics, etc. of the business or organization. This includes where and when people work (which influences how and when training can be delivered). Look also at the skills requirements for the people in the business in general terms as would influence training significance and dependence - factors which suggest high dependence on training are things like: fast-changing business (IT, business services, healthcare, etc), significant customer service activities, new and growing businesses, strong health and safety implications (chemicals, hazardous areas, transport, utilities). Note that all businesses have a high dependence on training, but in certain businesses training need is higher than others - change (in the business or the market) is the key factor which drives training need. Assess and analyse how training and development is organized and the way that training is prioritised. Think about improvements to training organization and planning that would benefit the organisation. Review the business strategypositioningmissionplans (and HR strategy if any exists) as these statements will help you to establish the central business aims. Training should all be traceable back to these business aims, however often it isnt - instead its often arbitrary and isolated. Assess how the training relates to the business aims, and how the effectiveness of the training in moving the business towards these aims is measured. Often training isnt measured at all - it needs to be. Look at the details and overview of what training is planned for the people in the business. The training department or HR department should have this information. There should be a clear written training plan, including training aims, methods, relevance and outputs connected to the wider aims of the business. Look also at how training relates to and is influenced by appraisals and career development also recruitment, and general ongoing skillsbehavioural assessment. There should be process links between these activities, particularly recruitment and appraisals, and training planning. Detailed training needs should be driven substantially by staff appraisals. (It goes without saying that there should be consistent processes and application of staff appraisals, and that these should use suitable job performance measures that are current and relevant to the operations and aims of the business.) Look particularly at management training and development. The bigger the business, generally the bigger the dependence on management training and development. Look at new starter induction training - its critical and typically a common failing in situations where anything higher than a low percentage of new starters leave soon after joining. Look for the relationships between training, qualifications, job grades and payreward levels - these activities and structures must be linked, and the connections should be visible to and understood by all staff. Look especially at staff turnover ( per annum of total staff is the key indicator), exit interviews, customer satisfaction surveys, staff satisfaction surveys (if they exist) for other indicators as to staff development and motivational needs and thereby, training deficiencies. Look for any market research or competitor analysis data which will indicate business shortcomings and weaknesses, which will imply staff training needs, obviously in areas of the most important areas of competitive weakness in relation to the business positioning and strategy. Look to see if there is director training and development - many directors have never been trained for their roles, and often hide from and resist any effort to remedy these weaknesses. Base training recommendations and changes on improving training effectiveness in terms of: relevance to organizational aims methods of staff assessment training designsourcing training type, mix and suitability, given staff and business circumstances (consider all training options available - there are very many and some are relatively inexpensive, and provide other organizational benefits in-house, external training courses and seminars, workshops, coaching, mentoring, job-swap, secondment, distance-learning, day-release, accreditedqualification-linked, etc) remedies for identified organizational and business performance problem areas, eg. high staff turnover, general attrition or dissatisfaction levels, customer complaints, morale, supplier retention and relationships, wastage and shrinkage, legal and environmental compliance, recruitment difficulties, management and director succession, and other key performance indicators of the business (which should be stated in business planning documents) comparative costs of different types of training per head, per staff typelevel measurement of training effectiveness, and especially feedback from staff being trained: interview departmental heads and staff to see what they think of training - how its planned, delivered, measured, and how effective it is measuring and increasing training days or hours per person Measuring training hours per person as an average across the organization, typically per year, is often a useful training and development KPI (Key Performance Indicator) of the training function - more training acronyms here. If you cant measure it you cant manage it, the saying goes. The degree of difficulty in measuring training time per person depends on what you define as training: training time per person on training courses is relatively easy to measure, but on-the-job coaching, informal mentoring, personal reading and learning - these are less quantifiable - youd normally need to get this data from the employees via a survey or other special report. It is possible to manage training time per person aims and data via annual appraisals, when training past and future could be quantified - this could be a relatively simple add-on to whatever appraisal system you are using currently, and could relatively easily be cascaded via managers. Your previous years total training course time - i. e. person-days spent on training courses - divided by number of employees in the organization is an easy start point. This will give you the average training course time per employee, and if you have no other benchmarks is as good a start point as any. Then perhaps agree a sensible target uplift on this, assuming the training requirement is linked to organisational aims and personal development, rather than training for the sake of it just to increase the hours per person. You can make this calculation for a team, a job grade, a department or a whole organization. You could also survey the managers as to their estimate of how much on-the-job-coaching they provided per person as an average during a week. This gives another benchmark, albeit it an estimate, for which you can target an uplift and then monitor via managers reporting back every month or quarter. Remind managers to include, and if possible to categorise all the different sorts of training and coaching that takes place, as they will tend to forget or ignore certain types, for example job cover, training at meetings, taking on new tasks and responsibilities, delegated tasks, shadowing, etc. Training comes in various forms - if you are measuring it make sure you dont underestimate the level of activity. training planning factors These guidelines essentially deal with conventional work skills training and development. Remember that beyond this, issues of personal development and learning, for life, not just work, are the most significant areas of personal development to focus on. To plan traditional training of work skills and capabilities that links to organizational performance improvement you must first identify the organizational performance needs, gaps, and priorities. These are examples of typical training drivers which give rise to training needs. It is rare to use all of these aspects in determining training needs - select the ones which are most appropriate to your own situation, the drivers which will produce the most productive and cost-effective results, in terms of business performance and people-development: examples of training drivers Customer satisfaction surveys Business performance statistics and reports. Financial reports and ratios. Competitor analysis and comparison, eg SWOT analysis. Management feedback on employee needs, including from appraisals. Training audits, staff assessment centres. Staff feedback on training needs. Director-driven policy and strategic priorities. Legislative pressures. Relevant qualification and certification programmes. Use the results and indicators from the chosen driver(s) to produce prioritised training needs per staff type, which will logically enable staff and management to achieve improvements required required by the organization. There are several free training needs analysis and planning tools on the free resources section which might help you assess and analyse staff training needs, and then construct training plans. potential conflict between HRtraining function and business management Conflict can arise between HRTraining and other parts of the organization, commonly due to differing priorities among performance management functions within a business, and notably relating to training, development and welfare of staff. If so, you need to identify conflict and manage it. Conflict is often caused by the different aims of the departments, and you need to facilitate understanding and cooperation on both sides. This is especially important in order to achieve successful training needs assessment, training design, planning, delivery and optimal take-up and implementation. Aside this there are very much deeper implications for organizations seeking to be truly cohesive, joined-up, and aligned towards common set of corporate aims and values. If you see any of the following symptoms of conflict, consider the root cause and facilitate strategic discussion and agreement, rather than limit your activity to simply resolving or responding only to the symptom. management resisting release of staff for training due to day-to-day work demands short-term needs of performance management vs long-term outlook of HR HR have no line authority over trainees therefore cannot control training take-up Training is rarely well followed-through once delegates are back in jobs, despite HR efforts to achieve this via managers HR budgets are often cut if profits come under pressure Generally conflict would stem from the values and priorities of directors, managers and staff involved, and the aims and processes of the different HR functions. Here are some subject headings that serve as a checklist to see that the aims and priorities of HRTraining align optimally with those of other departments (the list is not exhaustive but should enable the main points of potential misalignment to be addressed): profit, costs, budgets well-being of staff ethics and morality in treatment of staff legal adherence business strategy training and development needs (skills, knowledge, EQ, etc) succession planning assessment and appraisals promotion recruitment age, gender, disability policies harassment counselling workforce planning management structure decision-making and approval processes outsourcing contracts of employment corporate mission and values acquisitions and divestments premises pay and remuneration plans and market positioning use of agencies advertising and image positioning statement and introduction to training courses and materials for groups of mixed abilities In many training and teaching situations it is not possible to identify and assemble groups of delegates whose needs, experience and ability levels closely match each other. Groups will therefore often comprise of trainees and learners who have different levels of experience, andor abilities, styles, expectations, needs, aims, etc. This places additional demands on the training providerfacilitators to ensure that the needs of all delegates are met, while not causing any frustration or boredom for delegates who already know or possess certain parts of the information and abilities (or think they do) that the teaching seeks to transfer. As such it is often helpful for trainers and delegates to acknowledge and accept this situation at the beginning of the course or training session, with the purpose of reducing potential frustrations and negative reactions and effects as far as possible. Here is a suggested introductory statement, which aims to achieve a commitment to understand the needs of others. You will notice that the statement is designed to appeal to the mature and responsible nature that exists in virtually all people. The challenge is to tap into this at the outset, in order to set a positive constructive atmosphere and standard of behaviour for the training. Adapt it to suit your own situation. This special training introduction is additional to any other introduction that youll be using to outline the training aims, domestic arrangements, fire-drill, etc. The statement or an adapted version can also be included within the introduction section of training course notes and manuals. Example training introduction for groups of mixed abilities and needs: Training Introduction - Please help to make this coursesession as positive and helpful for all delegates While every effort has been made to design this coursesession to appeal to the needs of all delegates, it is almost inevitable that each of you will have slightly (and in some cases significantly) different past experiences, levels of ability and knowledge, personal skills and styles, and needs and expectations. Therefore during this coursesession some of the learning might already be known or familiar to you. Please bear in mind that this will not be the case for all of your fellow delegates. We are all different. As such we would greatly appreciate your cooperation, tolerance and awareness as to the needs of others on this course. If you find yourself thinking that youve heard at all before please take a few moments to think: Have you really heard it all before, or are you overlaying your own experiences onto some new ideas This is not an unusual reaction among very capable people when confronting new ideas, so first its good to test your initial reaction - it would be a pity to miss out. If you are convinced that the training is covering an area that you know well please then consider how to make the best of this situation. If you know the area well, look for opportunities to make constructive suggestions and to provide helpful examples to the group. Trainers and facilitators have a tough job to do and will generally appreciate constructive help and participation from senior or experienced members of the group. If you find yourself completing exercises much quicker than your fellow delegates, look to help others, especially if the trainer or facilitator is working alone with a large group, and especially if other members are struggling. If you find yourself knowing the answers to lots of the questions that arise during the training, consider if less experienced delegates will benefit from working out the answers for themselves, with some prompting from you if helpful. Nobody ever learned much from answering an easy question, but we learn a lot from helping someone else who finds a question difficult. Delegates who help the group as well as learn new things for themselves, invariably get the most from training courses. Thank you in anticipation of your understanding and contribution towards making this a helpful session for everyone. Adapt this training course introduction to suit the situation. It is more relevant to mixed groups of delegates from different experience and skills backgrounds than to groups which have been selected according to closely matching needs and ability levels. This sort of statement can be included at the beginning of course notes, or given as a separate handout (as a sort of philosophical scene-setter), andor explained and discussed verbally with the group. In any event its good also to seek agreement from the group that the concept of making the most constructive use of time and everyones ability to contribute, is the right and proper approach. The message to training course delegates is effectively: that learning new things is an enjoyable rewarding part of life and personal development, and so too is helping others to do the same. resources for training and development - building your own resources - and helping others do so We all need to maintain and develop our value in the marketplace. Then we will always be in demand. Two generations ago, jobs were for life - now some careers last just five or ten years. The world is changing faster. Organisations, and everyone individually, must be able to assess their capabilities, and re-skill when necessary. Trainers, teachers, coaches, managers and leaders are central to these assessing and re-skilling processes. Whether you are a trainer, specialist, manager, leader, entrepreneur, whatever, building your own resources will enable you to maintain and grow your capabilities and value, and to help others do the same. Here are some questions and answers about building training and development resources. building training and development resources (I am grateful to Dawn Barclay of Potential Developments for raising the subject of building personal resources, prompting this additional section and the QampA format.) Q. What do we mean by resources in the context of learning and development A. Resources are - materials and tools of various types, which: describe define explain summarise teach andor enable the acquisition, improvement, or delivery of - skills knowledge methods techniques attitude andor behaviour and thereby, performance, results, fulfilment, well-being, and other good outcomes. Resources can therefore be all sorts of things. For example, a single tiny inspirational quotation is a resource. And a big organisational learning and development manual is a resource. More example of resources are: teambuilding games or exercises testing instruments for individuals and teams (psychometrics and other assessments) guides to a concepts or theories or models spreadsheets or other analytical tools case studies and best practice examples (good case studies are always in demand) samples and examples - of anything relevant to your field or specialism templates and forms surveys and especially survey results statistics and reports contracts and legal documents manuals and guides specifications and project briefs plans of all sorts diagrams, pictures, cartoons books, magazines, journals, newsletters and newspapers (especially newspaper cuttings) films, videos and clips pieces of music puzzles, tricks, and games quizzes and questions and answers websites or a webpages (favourites or links) CDs and DVDs physical props - real samples, or props as metaphors like a hammer or a lemon items of curiosity and collectibles - diversity and history are powerful perspectives for teaching and learning personal contacts, or a network of contacts - yes people are resources too. Die Liste geht weiter. Anything which helps you andor others to learn or improve is a resource . The most powerful resources are those which enable significant relevant improvement quickly and easily - whether for yourself or for others, and especially for others. Q. Who canshould build resources - just trainers and teachers - or everyone A. Everyone can and should build their personal learning and development resources. If you are a trainer, teacher, coach, manager or leader, you will already be building resources of various sorts to help yourself and to help others. If your work does not obviously involve helping and developing others, it could do one day, and meanwhile you canshould build resources to develop your own capabilities and your market value. Q. Why build your personal resources A. Because we all need to learn and develop in order to maintain our personal relevance and value. As we grow we have increasing opportunities to help others, and whether you pursue these opportunities as an informal mentor, or in a formal people-development or leadership role, you will be more helpful and valued if you have good resources. Having good resources gives you a greater chance of providing answers, solutions, ideas, examples and tools. People who build personal resources tend to attract respect and followers. Resources are also tools which enable positive change. People who have resources and know how to use them become to central to any group or organised activity. Consider the many people who dont really bother to keep or collect or refine personal resources. To whom do these people turn when they need help. They turn to the ones with the resources. Q. What about raw and finished resources A. Note: Permissions and attributions are significant in the use of certain resources. The difference between raw and finished resources is important: A raw resource is anything you think will be useful but is not yet refined or focused for a particular purpose. A raw resource is not yet packaged or re-written or presented in a polished way. It might be an idea written in a notebook. A cutting from a newspaper or magazine is a simple example of a raw resource. A book, from which you might later extract data or excerpts or quotes, is also a simple example of a raw resource. An old photocopied diagram is a raw resource. And more up-to-date, so is a webpage from Wikipedia, or a slideshow full of useful facts, research, statistics and graphs. Often you will not know precisely what a particular resource will eventually be used for. You might only need a small part of it. Within reason, its easy to keep and store resources these days because many resources are already digitised, and most resources that are not digitised can be. Resources can be refined, focused, packaged or re-packaged, extracted, updated, re-oriented - whenever and however you need them. Given todays modern desktop editing and publishing technologies, even the rawest of resources can swiftly be converted into effective finished resources. This is even easier when you have a designer or creative agency at your disposal. Not all raw resources are converted into learning and development aids: Many raw resources find their way into reports, business plans, sales presentations, or into the systems of organisations and teams. Some raw resources find their way into best selling books. Other resources help to make the ethos and strategies of world-beating new corporations. The expression was: Knowledge is Power. The truth is now: Resources are Empowering Start building your resources now. Q. What formats and types of media are best A. Raw resources can be in any format and media. Convert them into a format useful for keeping and finding them if you can do so easily. Finished resources need to be in a format and media type appropriate and friendly for the audience or learners or users . The format and media of finished resources should also be appropriate for your delivery or operating strategy . If resources are refined and developed they can become an offering or business in their own right. Many information-based websites began in this way. The modern digital age provides wide-ranging possibilities for the production and offering of finished resources. Mobile technology especially offers amazing potential for the delivery of finished resources. Ultimately consider your audienceusers needs, and ensure your chosen media works well for your operating methods and strategy. Q. Where can you find resources A. Resources can be found everywhere. The web, especially websites offering reliable reference materials and tools. University websites are usually an excellent source of reliable resources. Libraries - although nowadays much under-used, libraries are fantastic places for resources. Bookshops and online booksellers, including used books, which can be remarkably inexpensive. Institutes and associations and societies. Every field or trade has its own governing or representative organisation. These tend to be centres of expertise and knowledge. Most have their own libraries too. Work tools that you use or create - spreadsheets and templates especially - can be very useful resources for the future. Many resources come free and very easy, for example, ironically, junk mail can be a useful source of good and bad examples of all sorts of business and communications. Training courses and classes of all sorts naturally contain many resources that can be re-used, adapted and re-cycled. Resources of a socialhistorical or amusing nature can be found easily and cheaply at Sunday car-boot markets or jumble sales, or when you next clear out an old attic or your childhood toybox. Use your imagination. Training and teaching becomes immensely more enjoyable when quirky (but still relevant) props and materials are introduced into proceedings. That last point illustrates the wide range of things which can be resources. Not all resources must be academic and business-like many can be entertaining, fun and quirky. Avoid habitually using only the web for resources. Only a fraction of the worlds knowledge and information is on the world wide web. Often the best and resources are found off the beaten track so to speak, especially if you seek resources in a particularly specialised field. Be creative, imaginative and original. Q. How can resources be developed A. Your personal resources - whether for yourself or for helping others - can be an extension of you and how you want to be, and what you seek to become. So try to develop your resources so that they say something about you. Selektiv sein You obviously cant keep everything of potential use or youd not have time to do anything else. Devise a way of keeping resources which is manageable and searchable. Chucking everything into a big cardboard box is probably better than not collecting anything at all, but there are better ways of organising things in terms of space and finding what you need later. Devise a system that works for you. Develop your resources like you would build a team or organisation around you, to help you achieve your aims and goals in life. Develop resources that will help you to go where you want. Imagine to yourself: If I were doing my ideal future job what sort of personal resources would I need Build your resources to fit your aims. Give yourself time. A world-beating (aim high) set of resources in any field takes a while to build. In a few months you could be better resourced than anyone you know personally in your field. In a year or two you could be better resourced in your field than anyone else anywhere. This is achievable if you focus and truly put your mind to the task. You can, as the saying goes, stand on the shoulders of giants. Q. What about permissions and attributions A. Since copyright law is complex and cannot be covered in depth quickly and easily, here broadly are some simple guidelines for using resources in the context of learning and development: If you wish to use any resource created by someone else you must consider whether you should seek permission for your particular usage. Many resources, especially if extracted in part, are free to use for teaching and training and self-development, however if you publish or sell material (intellectual property - IP as commonly called) which belongs to somebody else, then this would normally require permission and perhaps licensing and payment. In general, the more you exploit somebody elses IP, then quite understandably the more likely that the somebody will require something in return. Showing some trainees a newspaper cutting to illustrate a point on a training course would be highly unlikely to attract any issues copyright or permission. On the other hand, using a 5,000 word training guide written by someone else, in your own training manual, without suitable permission from the writer, is not a good thing to do and could create a potential liability for you. If in doubt ask. And if you cannot ask then take some time to understand copyright law as it applies in your situation, (there are free guides to copyright law available on the web) and make your own judgement. The use of material without proper permission andor attribution undermines the credibility and integrity of the user, and can lead to more serious problems if an IP owner considers that their rights have been seriously breached. That said, permissions and attributions can generally be resolved if approached positively and sensibly. Whatever, there are countless resources which attract no liability at all, so if you find a great resource but it contains challenging IP implications, then find something else to use instead. Q. What about accuracy - checking and researching - and currency (being up-to-date) A. Accuracy and reliability are very important aspects of teachingtraining resources. Check your facts. Do not rely on the web alone for crucial data. The web can be wrong - and if the web is wrong on one page, it can be wrong on other pages too, given the tendency for web-based information to be copied. Books can be wrong too of course, but good reference books are generally far more reliable than the web. A useful approach to gathering information resources is to use the web for the bulk of the research, and then to check the crucial facts in a suitable reliable reference book. Certain resources are time-sensitive - that is to say, they become obsolete or unhelpful or worse, if not updated. Conversely, many other resources are timeless. It also depends on your usage. A 1995 guide to using the internet would be useless as a modern guide to using the internet, but as a resource to illustrate how the internet changes, it would be quite useful. The ease by which you can establish accuracy and maintain currency (up-to-dateness) should be a big factor in your consideration of what sort of resources to collect. The area in which you work has a bearing on these aspects: Certain areas - like law, finance, safety, for example - are strongly sensitive to whether resources are current. Other disciplines - like motivation and coaching - are far less sensitive to whether resources are current, but are arguably more sensitive to whether resources are entertaining and unique. Accuracy and reliability are important for all resources, unless the obsolete or inaccurate nature of the resource is the purpose of its use (for irony, example of how not to.., etc). Currency (up-to-dateness) of resources is crucial for certain materials and tools, but not so for others. Use your judgement. Be aware of the pitfalls, and avoid them by considering currency and accuracy when you gather and develop your resources. Q. What about building connections with experts A. As suggested above, people are resources too. Experts and good quality people of all sorts can help you build more and better resources. They can help you adapt and develop resources, and give vital feedback when you wish to expand your activities. Experts and good quality people can also help you with using and implementing your activities and plans. This item doesnt focus on the value of people networks and networking, because thats big different subject, nevertheless, the development of contacts is an important part of your own development, so try to do it. Successfully building and maintaining good connections with experts and good quality people must be based on your giving them what they need in return, whatever that might be (different people want and need different things - provided its legal and ethical). So ask experts and good contacts what they want from you and what you can do to help them. People who take only, and give nothing in return, never build and sustain good connections with anyone. Consider that high-achieving expert people are not generally interested in money or material gain. They are more interested in growth and self-actualization motivators. See the theories of Maslow. Herzberg. etc. Building and maintaining good quality relevant resources will help you become independent and self-sufficient - in work and life. This is because people who have great resources tend to be: Well-developed individuals - knowledgeable, skilled, up-to-date - with answers to other peoples questions. Capable of teaching, training, mentoring and leading others. Capable of enabling and assisting change in groups and organisations - using clever tools and materials. Able to convey to others the enjoyment and advantages of always seeking and finding answers and solutions. Resources help answer questions, which is one of the essential needs of life and work. Resources - of one sort or another - are generally required for improvement in anything - whether a small improvement or realisation for a single individual, or the development and launch of the mightiest corporation. If you build effective relevant resources, you naturally become more relevant and effective yourself. tips for starting your own new training business Here are some simple tips for starting your own new training business. Much more detailed business start-up help is available on other pages, listed below. These are just a few important tips especially for starting a new training businesses. When choosing the type of training to offer think carefully about it and avoid making assumptions or being drawn into too many areas. Starting your own training business is in some ways a simple transition from being employed as a trainer, coach, team leader, manager, etc. however a big difference is now that you have to find the work before you can do it. On this point, your previous employer can easily be a prime prospect for you. Even if you leave on less than perfect terms, a previous employer is a good opportunity for securing freelance training work, not least because when people leave an organization, there is usually a gap and a period of uncertainty regarding the leavers previous responsibilities. Lots of employers fail to ask leavers if they can fill in for a while on a contract basis. Fragen. In any event, especially if you were well-regarded know their systems, youll be a safe choice for them if they need some help, so keep in touch and (assuming you are not immediately stacked out with work from other customers) let your previous employer know you are happy to fill gaps in provision after youve gone. Expect to negotiate a (sometimes significantly) higher freelance day-rate compared with your previous employed wage. Organizations account for ad-hoc freelance training quite differently to employed staff costs. Many newly self-employed trainers offer themselves too cheaply. See the negotiation page. If in doubt, see what they offer before you suggest a rate - you could be very pleasantly surprised, particularly if they are in a bit of a panic and need a safe pair of hands quickly. Aside from your previous employer(s), finding new training contracts or selling training courses entails marketing and advertising - in competition with others operating in the same market place. This could be a new and significant consideration for you. Marketing and selling training is different to designing and delivering training, and involves different issues. You must now consider what you can market and sell successfully, as well as it being something that you can design and deliver successfully. This requires you to consider the market place, not just the quality of your training. So when you choose what training to offer and especially how to package, describe and deliver it, ask yourself questions based on the following points, so that you develop training types, services, offerings and delivery which: you can offer with very appealing uniqueness and passion ideally have good and increasing demand are not strongly served by competitors are relevant to industries you are comfortable with, and can be marketed in a very specific focused way, to decision-makers that you can reach cost-effectively. Whether a website and online marketing will feature strongly in your business approach or not, Google Trends, and Googles Adwords keywords tracker (to access it open an Adwords account), are two excellent tools for evaluating online search trends and relative volumes in training (and for anything that people look for), which greatly assists answering some of the questions above, especially understanding demands, trends and what people are looking for and how they describe it (all of which can be quite different to what you imagine). From a vital personal perspective, also look at the passion-to-profit processtemplate on this website because this helps consider how best to combine your greatest personal potential with a business proposition. You may choose not to use the process in detail, but consideration of its underlying meaning is fundamentally important towards building a sustainable thriving business in any area of productservice provision. Choose a business name carefully. Many people successfully use their own name along with a generic word or a few words related to training, because: this usually avoids any future problems with copyright (especially the potentially disastrous and easily made mistake of breaching someone elses rights or trademark) and it says that you are the boss and have the confidence and integrity to have your name as the business name. If you choose a clever or obscure business name, think very carefully about it because it will have risks (like this website name, which might have failed without the luxury of many years to become established), either or both in terms of copyright protectionbreach, andor misinterpretation or confusion. Although copyright and trademark law is complex, broadly descriptive business names are less easy to protect, and also less likely to breach someone elses trademark. Non-descriptive business names need to be checked against existing use, especially registered names, which means that when secured they tend to be easier to protect. The UK government intellectual property website is a useful information and reseach resource. Contrary to lots of advice youll see from financial and legal folk, becoming freelance (self-employed in other words) is very easy in terms of legal and regulatory set-up. I refer to the UK. In some other nations it will be a little more difficult, in others even easier. In the UK you do not need a limited company. You do not need a VAT number. You simply need to inform your tax office, which actually is a good source of advice about starting up. If you have plans of substantial scale then seek qualified legal and financial advice, but for many new training business start-ups a freelanceself-employed approach is perfectly adequate for the authorities and the market place, as well as being very quick and inexpensive for the freelancer. Public liability insurance is advisable because without the protection of a limited company you have unlimited personal liability for any damages arising against you. Many customers and venues insist on trainers having public liability insurance anyway. Its not necessarily very expensive, and is different to professional liability insurance of the sort that lawyers and doctors and high-powered consultants typically need, when potential liabilities run to poundmillions rather than a few poundthousands. That said, insurance is a personal matter for you to decide and resolve as you think reasonable. I merely offer general pointers. When starting a new business, especially from a marketingadvertising viewpoint, its usually more effective to focus on a small number of strong unique specialisms - or even just a single very powerful offering - than to offer a one-stop shop or wide catch-all range. A good specialist will usually beat a widely-spread generalist in any single area. Networking is a useful marketing method for new businesses - look at the processes for effective business networking. For starting a new training business see also the tips and methods for new business start-up and planning explained in other relevant sections of this website, notably:

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